Optinvent S.A. is a French company that designs and delivers display modules and AR glasses for next generation AR & Mobile applications.
The company is shipping right now its ORA-1 Smart Glasses for enterprise and developers. ORA-1 is produced in Rennes France and shipped all around the world. The product is used for several industrial applications such as Logistic, Maintenance, Healthcare, etc. The company was founded in February 2007 and is based in Rennes, France. Optinvent concentrates on developing innovative optical technologies that it packages into Smart glasses hardware platform as inside display modules which in turn are sold to international OEM's for integration into finished products. The company is targeting applications such as see-through AR glasses for mobile, informative and personal navigation as for professional applications. There have been eleven international patent filings to protect the Clear-Vu technology, four of them are already granted.
Optinvent target is to be a major provider of Smart wearable devices for both the industry and the consumer market. Optinvent is developing right now the Smart Headphones, ORA-X for the consumer market. ORA-X is a clear innovation and will create a new product category. For more information please report to this link (https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/ora-x-world-s-first-augmented-reality-headphones#/). ORA-X concept was granted in CES 2015, from the best 5 innovations in the consumer market. ORA-1 got the Edison Award in 2015.